Something I spotted in a newsgrounds comment and it relates to making games easy. My personal opinion is simply that you need to make gamers smarter not the games dumber.
This game, is nice, Pop_Pirates but its also designed to be retard proof as such it has that floating I will last forever feel to it and one doesn't so much lose the game as lose the war of attention attrition and become bored into submission. Still its a nice looking game, just needs some actual challenge and gameplay etc etc as per usual, please remember that I blame the audience for this not the developer.
The game design obviously encourages long play sessions simply by making it hard for them to end, unfortunatly they forgot to add a pause button ( apparently pause buttons represent 20% of a games value, along with mute buttons representing another 20% which only seems to leave about 60% or less for the actual game content)
Some poor soul suffered from this missing feature terribly, it turns out that after they started playing their body informed them in no uncertain terms that they needed to evacuate their bowels. The evil game then forced them to continue playing for who knows how long under considerable discomfort.
If only all games designers would remember that the audiences is at least 20% retarded this tragedy could be easily avoided.