in response to gameshelf bitching about ads in flash games.
you missed the developer side of course
once upon a time people made flash games
then along came sites that hosted games and put ads around the games and made money (the developers did not make money)
Some such as ebaumsworld, branded other peoples content as their own without permission and in the end made millions of dollars off of doing so.
Go read the legalise on ebaums upload page for an example of how evil they still are, 3 years exclusivity WTF?
now, with the new in game ads the developers are scraping up some loose change, generally this isn't much. Some kids think they are making money, thats about it. However its still better than the alternative. For in game ads to really pay off, you need to get 100 thousand or more hits a day every day. This gets you around 50 bux a day and is of course very unlikely to happen.
Obviously this is the time for the gamers to get angry and stop these lazy profiteering developers.
well done
The main gain from in game advertising is being able to then negotiate a price for its removal before your game can be included on some of the bigger sites. That it is still there on the smaller sites means at least you might cover some expenses.
Today people such as spill group, ( and ever expanding to more sites) demand the removal of developers ads so they can replace them with their own without paying the developer anything. They have also recently been making noises about stopping developers from even linking out to their own sites from within flash games.
This attempts to cut off developers from the gamer, making it harder to even build up an audience for your work. Which is not an easy act at the best of times.
Maybe the gamers like to get angry about that sort of thing instead?
didn't think so
Gamers mostly play flash games to waste time, putting adverts in means you are just wasting more of their time whilst collecting up a tiny little pay back.
Personally I'd like to remove all advertising, however it's a very important leverage point and right now its just about covering hosting fees whilst my development work cause me to spiral further into debt.